donderdag 22 juli 2010

I hate this stupid cunt life.

Hello everyone ...

Still in Spain but I feel definitely not good,
I'm awfull worried about my sister who is still trapped in the smelling jails of Chile
Yesterday I received a disturbing phone call that something terrible was happend there,
so right now it isn't fun anymore to be on holiday, i really dont think it is my sisters fault, but she thinks it.
Now I would really like to go home and take the first plane to Chile, just to hold my sister, hugging and kissing her. Just to feel she's still on earth and i haven't lost her.
but enough crap, its just borring over here all I have done is swimming and no more, so I dont know what the fuck I have to tell here ..
I tell nothing and just crawl in a corner.. whining.
languid self-pity..


2 opmerkingen:

  1. nice text hun, hope you can go to her soon and give her a big hug from me aswell

    hugs en kiss

  2. heey baby,

    I really miss you ..
    i hope u come home soon
    im just mailing at your account
    love u my big cousin (:

    xxx Dessy
