woensdag 14 juli 2010

En España !

Hola Chicos & Chicas

I am a few days in Spain now, I like it here very much!
If i had a choice i'll stay here, I like the beautiful country so much.
There will be tight enough other countries which are more beautiful than Spain, but if we talk about Europe i like Spain the most!
saturday around noon we arrived at Barcelona airport after a flight of about 2 hours, the flight was good and the weather was fine haha!
We went by taxi to the hotel in Barcelona, it isn't a very luxurious hotel but it is only for 5 days.
We are especially a lot on the beach with all of us, with the girls we went shopping a lot and thats in Barcelona a dream of every women.
Yesterday we went to Zoo Barcelona, it wasn't very special beacuse I van see everywhere those animals but after all it was a nice trip and we went also to La Rambla the oldest boulevard in Barcelona the market and the terraces were very nice and finally ofcourse we went to the beautiful square with the palms: Gaudi park.
Today we went to the stadium of FC Barcelona it was very busy but the tour was fun and we have even been on the grass yh!
The days have been beautiful in Barcelona but, tomorrow we'll go to Madrid which are very different and will also probably less beautiful then Barcelona but we want to see everything.

Muchos besos

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