donderdag 22 juli 2010

I hate this stupid cunt life.

Hello everyone ...

Still in Spain but I feel definitely not good,
I'm awfull worried about my sister who is still trapped in the smelling jails of Chile
Yesterday I received a disturbing phone call that something terrible was happend there,
so right now it isn't fun anymore to be on holiday, i really dont think it is my sisters fault, but she thinks it.
Now I would really like to go home and take the first plane to Chile, just to hold my sister, hugging and kissing her. Just to feel she's still on earth and i haven't lost her.
but enough crap, its just borring over here all I have done is swimming and no more, so I dont know what the fuck I have to tell here ..
I tell nothing and just crawl in a corner.. whining.
languid self-pity..


zondag 18 juli 2010

Capital Madrid.

Hola a todos,

Thursday morning we had to get up early because our flight would leave at 11 o'clock and because of course we had to pack our suitcases again.
Slightly later than 12 o'clock we landed at Madrid airport. When we land, the first thing I saw was that Barcelona looks more chilly and fruity as Madrid but I saw it as a challenge.
We went to our hotel, it was the middle in town and there were hardly any facilities at the hotel so we couldn't be sunbathing and swimming to just relax. We were constantly confronted with the harsh honking of cars and all that kind of stuff. I was soon done with it.
After a while I began tot get used to it and started to like it.
The first day we went out for dinner in a cozy Italian restaurant that was fun. Friday we first slept out and in the afternoon we went shopping in Gran Via (our hotel is also there) it is a very long way from Plaza de cibeles to Plaza de España, the road is known by the many cars which always crosses along, I also said earlier. We have really bought many things, Im so happy with it.
And yesterday we went to the stadium of Real Madrid also there we had a trip and we have been to a public swimming pool it was a bit of good. In the evening we went out for a dinner at a nica café with a liveband we stayed there for times it was fun !
Today the girls went to the El rastro where you can buy anything you want, it is the biggest flea market in the world and the boys went to a bullfight, really sad. Poor bulls!!!
At the evening we went to Malasaña, a nightplace for many young people : it was really great!
I never thought i like Madrid so much, tommorow we leave VERY early to Valencia so I dont think im gonna try to take a sleep haha

Muchos Besos
Esmeralda aka Esmee

woensdag 14 juli 2010

En España !

Hola Chicos & Chicas

I am a few days in Spain now, I like it here very much!
If i had a choice i'll stay here, I like the beautiful country so much.
There will be tight enough other countries which are more beautiful than Spain, but if we talk about Europe i like Spain the most!
saturday around noon we arrived at Barcelona airport after a flight of about 2 hours, the flight was good and the weather was fine haha!
We went by taxi to the hotel in Barcelona, it isn't a very luxurious hotel but it is only for 5 days.
We are especially a lot on the beach with all of us, with the girls we went shopping a lot and thats in Barcelona a dream of every women.
Yesterday we went to Zoo Barcelona, it wasn't very special beacuse I van see everywhere those animals but after all it was a nice trip and we went also to La Rambla the oldest boulevard in Barcelona the market and the terraces were very nice and finally ofcourse we went to the beautiful square with the palms: Gaudi park.
Today we went to the stadium of FC Barcelona it was very busy but the tour was fun and we have even been on the grass yh!
The days have been beautiful in Barcelona but, tomorrow we'll go to Madrid which are very different and will also probably less beautiful then Barcelona but we want to see everything.

Muchos besos

maandag 12 juli 2010

The day my sister came in prison.

On a day,
my younger sister went away and we didn't know where she was.
it was monday when she left and it was friday when I heard she was in deep shit.

She lived with me for a while, because there were more rooms in my house when she came from the Usa,
i didn't tell my dad about the fact she didn't come home for days, because she did it often since she had regained her old love. I just felt worried about it, but i didn't think immediatey the worst.
She was 3 days away and I really started to worry, even so much that I went to the guy which she was supposedly in love again, he wasn't home if I had to believe his daughter, so i decided to look further to my sister and her friend, but i didn't found them.
One day later my dad called, he was very angry that I hadn't tell him my sister was'nt come home for days.
That was the moment i felt it wasn't good, the moment i fellt one of the worst things really happened.
He told me that she and another girl were arrested in Chile because of many drugs in one of their luggages, following my sister she really knew nothing about it, it was the case of the other girl.
at first sight i doubted if my sister was telling the truth or that she only said to be released.
When I had spoken to herself, I knew she was innocent. She couldn't stop crying and I know she would never lie to me.
She is now 1 month in jail, and it takes a long custody in those countries but I hope she gets home soon and I will give you information as much as possible.
